Conozca Sus Derechos
All people in the United States, regardless of immigration status, have certain rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution. Below, my office has compiled resources for constituents, advocates, service providers, and others who want to help ensure that immigrants know their rights in different contexts.
* LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This page is for general informational purposes only. Its contents are not legal advice
You have the right to remain silent. You may refuse to speak to law enforcement officers, including immigration officers. You may also say that you want to remain silent.
You have the right to speak to a lawyer. You may have your lawyer with you if ICE or other law enforcement questions you.
Carry a know-your-rights card (available via this link or for distribution through my district office in Lowell) and show it if an immigration officer stops you. The card explains that you will remain silent and that you wish to speak with an attorney.
Always carry with you a copy of any valid immigration document you have. Do not carry papers from another country with you, such as a foreign passport. Such papers could be used against you in the deportation process.
If you are worried ICE will arrest you, let the officer know if you have children. If you are the parent or primary caregiver of a U.S. citizen or permanent resident who is under age 18, ICE may “exercise discretion” and let you go.
Report and document raids and arrests. Document or record the encounter or raid details and involved officer names or numbers to share with attorney and advocacy organizations.
Before you sign anything, talk to a lawyer. ICE may try to get you to sign away your right to see a lawyer or a judge. Be sure you understand what a document actually says before signing it.
You are not required to volunteer ANY information.
You do not need to provide your immigration status or place of birth.
You should not show or use any false or fraudulent documentation, including a fake name.
You do not have any obligation to sign any document without speaking to an attorney first. You should not sign a document you do not understand.
Ask to see a warrant before you open the door, should ICE visit your home or place of work.
Stop the car in a safe place as quickly as possible. Turn off the car, turn on the internal light, open the window part way, and place your hands on the wheel.
Upon request, show the police your driver’s license, registration, and proof of insurance.
If an officer or immigration agent asks to search your car, you can refuse. But if police believe your car contains evidence of a crime, they may be able to search it without your consent.
Both drivers and passengers have the right to remain silent. If you’re a passenger, you can ask if you’re free to leave. If yes, you have the right to silently leave.
Write down everything you remember, including officers’ badges and patrol car numbers, which agency the officers were from, and any other details. Get contact information for witnesses. If you’re injured, seek medical attention immediately and take photographs of your injuries.
You can file a written complaint with the agency’s internal affairs division or civilian complaint board. In most cases, you can file a complaint anonymously if you wish.
MIRA: Massachusetts Immigration & Refugee Coalition
MIRA is the largest coalition in New England promoting the rights and integration of immigrants and refugees. With offices in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, MIRA advances this mission through education and training, leadership development, institutional organizing, strategic communications, policy analysis, and advocacy.
24/7 Confidential MIRA Immigration Helpline: (508) 293-1871
ACLU Massachusetts
The ACLU of Massachusetts—a private, nonpartisan organization with more than 82,000 supporters across the Commonwealth and over 100,000 online activists—is a state affiliate of the national ACLU. We defend the principles enshrined in the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights, as well as the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
State Legal Assistance
New England Justice for Our Neighbors
Serving Lowell, Lawrence & North Shore; clinics are by appointment only.
(617) 794-7024
For over 10 years, New England Justice for Our Neighbors has provided free, expert legal aid to low- and no-income immigrants, specializing in humanitarian-based cases. Our clients include unaccompanied minors, asylum applicants, and victims of violence. We currently serve immigrants across Western, Central, and Northeast Massachusetts, providing both in-person and remote appointments. We are proud to be an affiliate of the Immigration Law & Justice Network.
Lawrence Family Development & Education Fund, Inc.
Administrative Office: 355 Haverhill Street, Lawrence, MA 01840
Family Center: 404 Haverhill Street, Lawrence MA 01841
(978) 224-8808
Lawrence Prospera is a community driven non-profit organization committed to our mission of strengthening the individuals and families of Lawrence, MA through the development of thriving neighborhoods.
Northeast Justice Center
Lawrence Office: 50 Island Street, Suite 203B, Lawrence, MA 01840
Lowell Office: 79 Merrimack Street, Suite 302, Lowell, MA 01852
(978) 458-1465
The Northeast Justice Center helps low-income and elderly residents of Northeast Massachusetts obtain justice and empowerment through skillful, creative, and persistent advocacy both for systemic change and with high-quality individual representation.
International Institute of New England (IINE)
Lowell Office: 101 Jackson Street, Suite 2, Lowell, MA 01852
(978) 459-9031
For more than a century, the International Institute of New England has been creating opportunities for refugees and immigrants to succeed through resettlement, education, career advancement, and pathways to citizenship.
The Merrimack Valley Immigrant and Education Center
439 S. Union St., Building 2 Basement, Lawrence, MA 01843
(978) 683-7316
The Merrimack Valley Immigrant and Education Center, formerly the Asian Center of Merrimack Valley, offers adults English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Citizenship Services and Education, and Financial Literacy Classes. Advocacy, translations and other supportive services are also offered. Each service provided is done so with the specific needs and desires of the individual in mind. Staff assists people as they work to assimilate in their new community, enriching their lives so that they can communicate, find employment, improve their educational skills and ultimately achieve United States citizenship and receive the many benefits and responsibilities citizenship offers.
Know a U.S. Citizen, a veteran or servicemember, or lawful permanent resident being taken into immigration custody or removed from the United States? Have immigration questions? Please call my Lowell Office: (978) 459-0101.