The Committee on Energy and Commerce is the oldest continuous standing committee in the U.S. House of Representatives. It was originally established in 1795 to regulate interstate and foreign commerce.
Today, the Committee has the broadest jurisdiction of any authorizing committee in Congress. It legislates on a wide variety of issues, including:
- Health care, including mental health and substance abuse
- Health insurance, including Medicare and Medicaid
- Biomedical research and development
- Food, drug, device and cosmetic safety
- Environmental protection
- Clean air and climate change
- Safe drinking water
- Toxic chemicals and hazardous waste
- National energy policy
- Renewable energy and conservation
- Nuclear facilities
- Electronic communications and the internet
- Broadcast and cable television
- Privacy, cybersecurity and data security
- Consumer protection and product safety
- Motor vehicle safety
- Travel, tourism and sports
- Interstate and foreign commerce
The Committee also oversees several federal departments and agencies, including:
- Department of Health and Human Services
- National Institutes of Health
- Food and Drug Administration
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Indian Health Service
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Department of Energy
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
- Federal Communications Commission
- Federal Trade Commission
- Consumer Product Safety Commission
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
- Department of Commerce
- Department of Transportation
- Department of Homeland Security
Congresswoman Trahan is a member of the subcommittees on Health and Commerce, Manufacturing & Trade.
The Health Subcommittee has key jurisdiction in the federal government including oversight of the Department of Health and Human Services, the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The Subcommittee also has jurisdiction over legislation addressing public health, mental health, health insurance, hospitals, biomedical research, drug abuse and addiction treatment, and more.
Commerce, Manufacturing & Trade:
The Commerce, Manufacturing & Trade (previously known as the Innovation, Data, and Commerce) Subcommittee maintains jurisdiction over key issues relating to interstate and foreign commerce, along with all trade matters overseen by the committee. As a critic of large digital platforms, Trahan will have a seat on the panel with the power to demand accountability for the dangerous spread of disinformation that has proliferated online. Other online areas of jurisdiction include privacy, data security, and consumer protections. The Subcommittee also has oversight over sports-related matters, including professional baseball changes and decisions by the NCAA regarding student-athletes’ ability to profit off their own name, image, or likeness. Additionally, the Subcommittee regulates tourism, travel, and time, along with all Homeland Security related matters. Additional Information about the Subcommittee can be found here.
House Democratic Leadership Positions
Co-Chair of the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee
Senior Whip
New England Representative to the Regional Leadership Council
Member of the Democratic Steering and Policy Committee
Congressional Caucus Membership
Army Caucus
Freshman Working Group on Addiction
Autism Research and Education Caucus
Baby Caucus
Blue Collar Caucus
Building Trades
Cambodia Caucus - Co-Chair
Caucus on the Deadliest Cancers
College Affordability Caucus
Community Colleges
Congressional Peace Corps Caucus
Fusion Energy Caucus - Co-Chair
Latino-Jewish Congressional Caucus
Longterm Care Caucus
Lung Cancer Caucus
Multiple Sclerosis Caucus - Co-Chair
National Guard and Reserve Caucus
Pandemic Preparedness Caucus
Quiet Skies Caucus
Romania Caucus
Save Minor League Baseball Task Force
Servicewomen and Women Veterans Caucus
Skin Cancer Caucus
Ukraine Caucus
Women in STEM Caucus
Women Veteran Task Force