Press Releases

Congresswoman Lori Trahan Introduces Paid Family Leave Legislation

Washington, DC – Yesterday, Congresswoman Lori Trahan (D-MA-03) joined with nearly 200 of her colleagues in the House and Senate to introduce the Family And Medical Insurance Leave (FAMILY) Act. This legislation would create a national program to help meet the needs of mothers and fathers and people with serious personal or family health issues through a shared fund that makes paid leave affordable for employers of all sizes and for workers and their families.


“One of the main reasons I ran for office was to make life better for women and hardworking families just like the one I grew up in. Ushering in a new, national paid family leave policy for the United States is one of the most significant steps Congress can take to do just that. No person should have to decide between putting food on the table or being able to care for a sick loved one. This legislation would empower women, strengthen families, support businesses, and grow the U.S. economy. I am proud to be a cosponsor, and I look forward to working with my colleagues to get this bill through Congress and onto the President’s desk,” said Rep. Trahan.


The FAMILY Act would:  

  • Provide workers with up to 12 weeks of partial income when they take time for their own serious health conditions, including pregnancy and childbirth recovery; the serious health condition of a child, parent, spouse or domestic partner; the birth or adoption of a child; and/or for particular military caregiving and leave purposes.  


  • Enable workers to earn 66 percent of their monthly wages, up to a capped amount, to help ensure that low and middle-wage workers have a higher share of their wages replaced.  


  • Cover workers in all companies, no matter their size. Younger, part-time, lower-wage, contingent and self-employed workers would be eligible for benefits.  


  • Be funded responsibly by small employee and employer payroll contributions of two tenths of 1 percent each (two cents per $10 in wages), or less than $2.00 per week for a typical worker.  


  • Be administered through a new Office of Paid Family and Medical Leave. Payroll contributions would cover both insurance benefits and administrative costs.

