Press Releases

Fusion Caucus Celebrates House Passage of Bipartisan Fusion Energy Act

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressional Fusion Energy Caucus Co-Chairs Lori Trahan (D-MA-03), Don Beyer (D-VA-08), Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN-03), and Jay Obernolte (R-CA-23) celebrated passage of their Fusion Energy Act in the U.S. House of Representatives. The bipartisan legislation will promote the development of fusion energy by codifying the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) decision to establish a regulatory framework for fusion energy systems under its byproduct materials framework.

Fusion will be critical to the future of our nation’s energy infrastructure – with the potential to drive down costs for families, reduce carbon emissions, and ensure a livable planet for future generations,” said Congresswoman Trahan. “The Fusion Energy Act will help vault the United States forward in the race to unlock commercial fusion energy by laying the groundwork to accelerate the research, development, and deployment of this unlimited source of carbon free energy. I’m grateful for the efforts of my colleagues on the Fusion Caucus to move this bipartisan proposal forward, and I look forward to our continued work to help realize the full promise of fusion energy.”

“As we look to unlock fusion energy’s incredible potential to provide clean power, address the climate crisis, and alleviate poverty, it is vital that government help and not hinder the commercialization of this transformational technology,” said Congressman Beyer. “The Fusion Energy Act is bipartisan legislation that would put us on a path towards a positive regulatory environment that will help foster innovation so we can bring fusion power to the grid. I’m overjoyed that the House has passed this measure, and will continue to do all I can to advance the development of fusion energy in this country.”

“I applaud my colleagues for their strong support of the Fusion Energy Act that passed the House as part of the groundbreaking Atomic Energy Advancement Act. America must continue to lead the world in developing fission and fusion energies and new nuclear technologies, and our bipartisan, commonsense Fusion Energy Act does just that. To build on recent exciting advancements in new nuclear, America needs a set, clear regulatory framework for researchers and developers to continue the commercialization of fusion energy and new nuclear technologies. By passing this bill, we are showing the American people and the world that we are committed to securing our nation’s future prosperity, long-term national security, and energy independence. I thank all my colleagues, especially those on the Fusion Caucus, for their overwhelming support for our bill,” said Congressman Fleischmann.

“Fusion has the potential to dramatically lower energy costs for American families while greatly enhancing the stability of our electric grid and providing the cleanest form of power known to man,” said Congressman Obernolte. “To enable this reality, America needs a national energy framework that can bolster this emerging technology with research and development and allow the integration of fusion energy into our energy portfolio. Our Fusion Energy Act, which was included in the Atomic Energy Advancement Act, will provide the regulatory certainty needed to support what is potentially the most promising energy development in history.”

In addition to codifying the NRC’s vote last year, the Fusion Energy Act also:

  • Ensures that the NRC will promulgate a unique regulatory framework for licensing commercial fusion devices to streamline the implementation of commercial fusion.
  • Requires the NRC to report to Congress on its plans to expedite the licensing process for fusion energy devices.

Prior to NRC’s vote in April, the lawmakers wrote to NRC encouraging them to “expeditiously establish a regulatory framework for commercial fusion facilities that ensures public health and safety, while avoiding unnecessary regulatory burden and uncertainty.

The legislation now moves to the Senate for consideration.
