Press Releases

Trahan Statement on Rising Antisemitism

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congresswoman Lori Trahan (MA-03) issued the following statement regarding the rise in antisemitism across the United States and congressional inaction to address the issue:

“The significant increase in antisemitism here in the United States and around the globe is something every person in a position of power must acknowledge and condemn. When the Presidents of Harvard, MIT, and Penn testified before Congress last week, they failed to meet that standard. Since their testimony, Presidents Gay and Kornbluth have rightly acknowledged that they should have been clearer in their condemnation of antisemitism on their campuses, and they have committed to doubling down on their efforts and the efforts of their institutions to root out antisemitism. Each of these steps are critically important – to Jewish students looking to their leaders for action to protect their safety and to Jewish Americans across our nation who are feeling increasingly isolated and open to attack simply because of their faith.”

“It’s infuriating that instead of putting sensible, actionable legislation on the floor to deliver additional security funding to synagogues, get aid to our allies in Israel, and support colleges working to implement strong antisemitism programs, Speaker Johnson and House Republicans have embraced political theater. Show votes, which is all the House has done since the Hamas terrorist attack on October 7th, do nothing to reassure Jewish Americans that they are safe, respected, and valued in our nation.”

“I remain committed to working with anyone willing to chart a path toward passing serious policies that uphold our obligation to every Jewish American and send a clear message to the world that we will not allow the clock to be turned back on the progress we’ve made combating antisemitism.”
