Press Releases

Trahan Rails Against Republicans Putting Political Impeachment Over People

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, House Democratic Policy and Communications Committee (DPCC) Co-Chair Lori Trahan (MA-03) spoke on the House floor slamming Republicans for prioritizing a partisan impeachment vote over the needs of American families before leaving town for the holidays.

“Speaker Johnson is about to send members of Congress home for the rest of the year,” Trahan said. “And instead of lowering costs for families before the holidays or protecting women’s freedom to make their own health decisions, House Republicans are taking orders from Donald Trump to force through a partisan, political impeachment with no evidence, no witnesses, and no wrongdoing on behalf of the President,”

Footage of Trahan’s remarks on the House floor can be accessed HERE or by clicking the image below. A transcript of her remarks as delivered is embedded.




Congresswoman Lori Trahan

Remarks as Delivered

Floor Speech on Republican Impeachment Resolution

December 13, 2023


Mr. Speaker, this entire charade is ridiculous.

Speaker Johnson is about to send members of Congress home for the rest of the year. And instead of lowering costs for families before the holidays or protecting women’s freedom to make their own health decisions, House Republicans are taking orders from Donald Trump to force through a partisan, political impeachment with no evidence, no witnesses, and no wrongdoing on behalf of the President.

Meanwhile, as we speak, Kate Cox, a pregnant woman from Texas, is being forced to flee her home as Republican leaders try to force her to carry her baby to term who was diagnosed with a terrible condition that would result in miscarriage, stillbirth, or death soon after birth.

We could’ve come to the floor today to pass legislation like the Women’s Health Protection Act to protect women like Kate Cox and to prevent that kind of physical harm and trauma from being inflicted on women living under Republican abortion bans. But House Republicans choose impeachment.

The American people won’t forget.

I yield back.
