Press Releases

Trahan Votes to Expel George Santos

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Democratic Policy and Communications Committee (DPCC) Co-Chair Lori Trahan (MA-03) issued the following statement after voting to expel Congressman George Santos (NY-03). The expulsion resolution passed after surpassing the two-thirds majority required.

“Today, I joined a bipartisan majority of my colleagues to expel George Santos from the House of Representatives. The Ethics Committee report is damning proof that George Santos is a serial fraudster who has consistently and shamelessly put his own personal, political, and financial interests ahead of the hardworking Americans he represents.”

“As public servants, we ask the American people to place their trust in us every day, and it is shameful that Santos’s never-ending list of lies and criminal conduct deteriorated that trust. Families in New York’s Third District simply deserve better than George Santos, and now they’ll have the opportunity to elect someone else. With this requisite, long overdue step behind us, it’s my hope the House can get back to the work that the American people sent us here to do.”
