Press Releases

Trahan Votes to Keep Government Open

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congresswoman Lori Trahan (MA-03) issued the following statement after passage of a government funding bill that will keep the federal government open through the holidays without cuts to critical programs:

“As I’ve said from day one, the most basic responsibility we have as members of Congress is to keep the government open and working for the families we have the honor to represent. Today’s bipartisan vote ensures that we avert a shutdown tat would have devastated millions of Americans and our economy as we head into the holiday season. Importantly, it also rejects the severe cuts House Republicans have proposed to federal programs that millions of families across Massachusetts depend on particularly during the winter months, including food assistance, home heating aid, and more.”

“While the government funding package passed today prevents a looming catastrophe, we have urgent work that must be completed before the end of the year, particularly to support our allies in Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan and to get humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza. It’s imperative that Republican leaders reject the demands of extreme members of the GOP who are determined to legislate a dangerous and misguided American retreat from the world stage. We cannot allow democracies around the globe to pay the price for their petulant isolationism.”

“I remain hopeful that rational Republicans will return to the table and work in a bipartisan manner to get our allies the support they urgently need, to find a lasting solution to fund the government, and to solve the critical issues impacting families no matter their political affiliation. That’s what we were sent to Congress to do, and it’s what the American people deserve.”
