Press Releases

Trahan Votes to Avert Extreme MAGA Republican Shutdown

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congresswoman Lori Trahan (MA-03) voted to avert a catastrophic Republican shutdown:

“I just voted to avert a Republican shutdown that would be disastrous for American servicemembers, working families, and small businesses. We should never have gotten to the point where families went into the weekend wondering if they’d be able to put food on the table or cover their utility bills on Monday.”

“This was completely preventable if Speaker McCarthy was a man of his word and honored the debt limit agreement he struck with President Biden in May. Instead, for the second time this year, Kevin McCarthy has unnecessarily forced our nation to the precipice of disaster to preserve his speakership. And for the second time, Democrats have had to bail him out.”

“The American people deserve better than the Republican approach to governing, which lurches us from catastrophe to catastrophe with weeks of incompetence sprinkled in between. We managed to avert this crisis at the last minute, but how many more times are Republicans going to tempt fate.”
