Press Releases

Trahan Appointed to Two Key Positions

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congresswoman Lori Trahan (MA-03) announced she has been appointed to two key positions within the House Democratic Caucus. Trahan was named a Senior Whip, a critical member of Democratic Whip Katherine Clark’s (MA-05) whip team, and a member of Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries’s (NY-08) Regional Leadership Council, which will maximize the Democratic Caucus’s ability to implement landmark legislation passed over the past two years.

“Since my first day in office, I’ve worked to make sure hardworking families in our district have a voice at the table in Congress. As a Senior Whip and a member of the Regional Leadership Council, I’ll be able to build on the progress we’ve made over the past four years delivering federal funding for local infrastructure and economic development projects and passing long overdue legislation to improve families’ lives. I’m grateful to Whip Clark and Leader Jeffries for entrusting me with these important roles, and I look forward to making sure our district’s priorities are always at the forefront,” said Congresswoman Trahan.

As a Senior Whip, Trahan will support Clark’s whip operation, a critical tool in a narrowly divided chamber to maximize Democratic legislative wins and preserve the progress made during the first two years of the Biden-Harris administration.

“Rep. Lori Trahan is a relentless advocate for the people of Massachusetts' Third District and an invaluable asset to the House Democratic Caucus,” said Whip Clark. “I’m thrilled that she will serve our Caucus as a Senior Whip, helping lead our fight to oppose Republicans’ extreme agenda, stand up for women and working families, and build a fairer future for all Americans.”

As a member of the 13-seat Regional Leadership Council, Trahan will work with Chairman Steny Hoyer (MD-05), the former House Majority Leader, and senior Biden-Harris administration officials to ensure the successful implementation of key pieces of legislation passed over the past two years, including the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the CHIPS and Science Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act. Massachusetts stands to benefit from each of these landmark laws in the years ahead, and securing a seat on the Council will make sure Trahan can maximize the legislation’s impact in the Third District.

“The Regional Leadership Council will guide our partnership with the Biden administration as we implement historic legislation signed into law during the previous Congress. During the next two years, it is critical that the promise of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Safer Communities Act, CHIPS and Science Act, Inflation Reduction Act and other initiatives are brought to life in every corner throughout America. The Regional Leadership Council will focus like a laser beam on executing President Biden’s vision of investing in America,” said Leader Jeffries.

Today’s announcement is in addition to Trahan’s recent election to represent members of the New England Congressional Delegation on the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee.
