Press Releases

Congresswoman Trahan Releases End of Term Report

LOWELL, MA – Today, Congresswoman Lori Trahan (MA-03) unveiled her End of Term Report: 2021-2022 to families across the Third District. The report summarizes progress made in the 117th Congress to lower health care and prescription drug costs, invest in infrastructure, create good-paying jobs, and more. Additionally, it explains how important legislation will directly affect and benefit families across the Third District.

“Since I was first sworn in as your representative nearly four years ago, I have viewed every vote I’ve taken, every meeting I’ve attended, and every conversation I’ve had through the lens of how it will help our district,” Congresswoman Trahan wrote in a note to residents of the Third District. “The needs of this community – the one I grew up in and the one I’m raising my daughters in – guides my work each day.”

Notable statistics from the report include:

  • 940+ events, constituent and organization meetings, town halls, and visits in the district
  • 61,000+ constituent phone calls and emails answered
  • 2,900+ constituent requests for assistance closed
  • $435,800,000+ in federal benefits and relief delivered to residents and small businesses

The full report can be accessed HERE.
