Press Releases

Trahan Votes to Extend Access to Telehealth

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congresswoman Lori Trahan (MA-03), a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Health Subcommittee, voted for the Advancing Telehealth Beyond COVID-19 Act, a bipartisan bill to codify telehealth policies that began during the pandemic. 

“For senior citizens, families living in more rural areas, and even those of us with busy lives, telehealth has become a critical way to access necessary care. Telehealth options have also been critical in closing long standing inequities in our health care system, with more people able to see a trusted doctor from local facilities like community health centers,” said Congresswoman Trahan. “There’s no doubt that the success of telehealth has been a key component in our recovery from the pandemic, and it will continue to be essential in the years to come.”

The Advancing Telehealth Beyond COVID-19 Act permanently removes originating site and geographical limitations to allow Medicare beneficiaries greater access to telehealth services. The bill would also permanently extend telehealth coverage at Federally Qualified Health Centers including Lowell Community Health Center, Greater Lawrence Family Health Center, and Community Health Connections, while also giving rural providers the ability to serve patients remotely. Lastly, the bill removes restrictions on Medicare providers’ ability to voluntarily monitor and track their patient’s health through smart devices and innovative digital technology.

Telehealth services expanded dramatically during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly among Medicare beneficiaries who needed assistance with everything from positive COVID cases to routine care and mental health care. In 2020 alone, Medicare telehealth visits increased 63 times the prior year, and nearly all health centers, 92%, reported audio-only telehealth improved patient access. Trahan consistently supported funding for expanded telehealth services in COVID-19 relief packages. Those funds supported additional telehealth services at Third District community health centers and hospitals.

The bipartisan legislation now moves to the Senate for consideration.
