Press Releases

Trahan, Community Leaders Highlight Infrastructure Improvements in Acton

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congresswoman Lori Trahan (MA-03) joined community leaders to highlight pending infrastructure improvements to Kelley’s Corner intersection in Acton. The group participated in a brief discussion of the proposed project followed by a tour of the site. 

“Every community here in the Third District deserves infrastructure that works. That’s why I voted for the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law – because it will improve the lives of folks here in Acton and in every community across the Third District,” said Congresswoman Trahan. “Across our district, long-overdue projects like Kelley’s Corner intersection are finally being prioritized thanks to this critical federal investment. I’m grateful to everyone, including our partners at the state and local levels, who have been spearheading this project for a long time, and I look forward to seeing Kelley’s Corner and so many other projects finally get done.”

First identified as an area in need of improvement five decades ago, Kelley’s Corner intersection project will cost $15,311,125 to complete. To ensure that it finally gets done, the project will benefit from $12,248,900 in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding, with the state making up the difference. Completion of the project, thanks to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, will include improvements to enhance safety, accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists, and storm water management while reducing traffic congestion.

Trahan was joined by State Senator Jamie Eldridge, State Representatives Tami Gouveia and Dan Sena, representatives from MassDOT, Acton Town Manager John Mangiaratti, members of the Acton Select Board, and leaders of the Kelley’s Corner Steering Committee for the event.

“We are grateful to Congresswoman Trahan and other federal and state partners for their ongoing support of this critical infrastructure project,” said Acton Town Manager John Mangiaratti. “I am proud of the work of our staff and thankful for the efforts of volunteers who worked tirelessly on this project to develop a design to transform Kelley’s Corner into a vibrant, walkable community hub which we will all be able to enjoy for years to come.”

"The infrastructure improvement project at Kelley's Corner is long overdue. I am grateful to Congresswoman Lori Trahan for securing federal funding to speed up the construction of this important intersection,” said State Senator Jamie Eldridge. “A greatly improved Kelley's Corner will significantly enhance public safety, walkability, and will better support local businesses in this part of Acton.”

"Thank you to Congresswoman Trahan for working hard to support improvements at Kelley's Corner in Acton with over $12 million in federal funding,” said State Representative Dan Sena. “This investment in our infrastructure is critical and I am grateful to work together to support our constituents at the federal, state, and local levels of government.”

"I am pleased to have joined Congresswoman Trahan, my colleagues, Senator Eldridge and Representative Sena, and local Acton officials today to highlight needed infrastructure improvements at Kelley's Corner,” said State Representative Tami Gouveia. “The prioritization of infrastructure investments at the federal, state, and local level will help ensure that our roads, intersections, and walkways are safe and accessible to all residents. I look forward to continuing to work with our federal and local partners to secure further funding for infrastructure development in the 14th Middlesex.”

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which Trahan voted for in November of 2021, is sending at least $4.2 billion for road improvements and repairs to the Commonwealth to support projects like Kelley’s Corner intersection. A comprehensive list of all federal investments established by the bill can be found HERE.
