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Trahan Votes for Critical Legislation to Make Insulin Affordable

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congresswoman Lori Trahan (MA-03), a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Health Subcommittee, voted on the House floor to pass H.R. 6833, the Affordable Insulin Now Act, critical legislation to cap out-of-pocket costs for insulin at no more than $35 per month for individuals with Medicare Part D and commercial health insurance.

During debate on the House floor, Trahan spoke in support of the legislation:


The Affordable Insulin Now Act requires Medicare Part D plans and commercial health insurance plans to cover insulin and cap cost-sharing at no more than $35 per month. Modeled after similar provisions in the Build Back Better Act, this bill ensures affordable access to lifesaving medication for the more than 37 million Americans who have diabetes, including one third of Medicare beneficiaries and over 7 million Americans who rely on insulin to maintain their health and well-being.

Over the past decade, the price of insulin has increased 197 percent, and Medicare Part D spending on insulin has increased 840 percent. For the most commonly used insulin medications, Massachusetts residents spend anywhere from $1,200 to $20,000 annually. More than half a million Bay Staters with diabetes and their families stand to benefit from the passage of the Affordable Insulin Now Act.

Beginning in 2023, the bill will require private health plans to cover at least one of each type and dosage form of insulin and caps cost-sharing for a 30-day supply at the lesser of $35 or 25 percent of a plan’s negotiated price. The bill also requires all Medicare prescription drug plans to cap cost-sharing for insulin at no more than $35 per month. Among individuals with private insurance, which constitutes over two thirds of Third District residents, half would save at least $19 per month and a quarter would save at least $42 per month.

H.R. 6833, the Affordable Insulin Now Act, now moves to the Senate for consideration.


Congresswoman Lori Trahan

Remarks as Delivered

Full Consideration of the Affordable Insulin Now Act

March 31, 2022

Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of something every single member of this body should be able to get behind – capping the price of insulin at 35 dollars a month.

In my home state of Massachusetts, over half a million people rely on their lifesaving insulin prescription, but being forced to pay anywhere from 100 to 1,600 dollars a month for it simply isn’t doable for a lot of families.

Far too many diabetics are being forced to ration their doses – and some are even skipping them altogether – because they can’t afford the medicine they need.

Let’s be clear about what that means – hardworking folks are risking their lives each day because big pharmaceutical companies are putting profits first.

We have the ability to change that with the legislation before us today, Mr. Speaker, and shame on us if we sit by and do nothing while people we have the honor to represent die waiting for Congress to act.

I plead with my colleagues to join me in supporting this legislation. Our constituents are depending on us.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I yield back.
