Press Releases

Trahan Votes to Restore American Manufacturing, Strengthen the Supply Chain, and Create Jobs

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Lori Trahan (MA-03), a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee,voted in support of the America Creating Opportunities for Manufacturing Pre-Eminence in Technology and Economic Strength (America COMPETES) Act of 2022, a comprehensive package that will power the success of America’s workers, business, and economy by fixing supply chains, increasing manufacturing of critical products here at home, turbocharging American scientific and technological leadership, and strengthening our global competitiveness. 

“The coronavirus pandemic and subsequent economic crisis shed light on the urgent need for a secure, safe, and reliable supply chain with far greater domestic production,” said Congresswoman Trahan, who also co-founded the Pandemic Production Caucus. “The America COMPETES Act will improve our supply chain, bring manufacturing back to the United States, and create millions of good-paying jobs — all while reaffirming our leadership on the world stage. I was proud to cast my vote in support of this package, which included amendments I introduced to invest in clean fusion energy solutions and maintain an inventory of high-quality masks for children in our Strategic National Stockpile. With the COMPETES Act, we’ll not only restore our global leadership by investing in research and technologies of the future, but also take action to address the issues weighing heaviest on working families in the Third District and beyond.”

By making transformational new investments in research, innovation, and American manufacturing, the America COMPETES Act will ensure that we can outcompete any nation in the world. The package will accelerate U.S. production of critical semiconductor chips, strengthen the supply chain including the production of medical devices like mammogram machines designed in Marlborough, turbocharge our research capacity to lead the technologies of the future, and advance our global competitiveness while supporting strong labor standards and human rights.

Trahan successfully included amendments to the legislation to:

  • Invest in clean energy solutions by expanding the Department of Energy's proposed milestone-based public-private partnership program for fusion energy and increase support for a new materials science program.
  • Maintain an inventory of highly-protective masks designed for children in the Strategic National Stockpile and direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services, in consultation with other relevant stakeholders, to develop guidelines for the use of respirators and masks for use in pediatric populations.

A summary of the package can be found HERE.
