Press Releases

Trahan, Schakowsky Introduce FTC Whistleblower Act To Protect Consumers

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, Congresswoman Lori Trahan (MA-03) was joined by Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) in introducing the FTC Whistleblower Act of 2021. The bill would protect whistleblowers who disclose wrongdoing at their current and former employers that fall under the jurisdiction of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Disclosure could include unlawful violations of consumer protection and anti-trust laws and regulations. This act would protect whistleblowers from retaliation and incentivize their reporting.

“Time and time again, whistleblowers have proven key in uncovering information critical to protecting consumers,” said Congresswoman Trahan. “As the Federal Trade Commission works to investigate harmful behavior by massive corporations, it’s important that the agency offers safeguards to protect and incentivize potential whistleblowers, as is standard with several other investigatory agencies. I’m proud to join with Chairwoman Schakowsky to introduce the FTC Whistleblower Act of 2021, which will enable the Commission to establish these essential standards and bolster its important work.”

“Whistleblowers risk their livelihoods to bring truth to light and help safeguard the public from corporate wrongdoing,” said Congresswoman Schakowsky. “Recent events have again proven how indispensable whistleblowers are to our society, to democracy, and to American families. That is why today my colleague Representative Trahan and I take action to support whistleblowers. The FTC Whistleblower Act of 2021 will help the Commission to take bold action against wrongdoers by protecting whistleblowers from retaliation for their bravery and incentivizing the disclosure of unlawful activity that harms American consumers.”

"Whistleblowers play an essential role in exposing waste, fraud, and misconduct that directly impacts consumers,” said Melissa Wasser, policy counsel, Project On Government Oversight. “Establishing a whistleblower award program at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) will incentivize whistleblowers to come forward with tips and protect those whistleblowers from retaliation. POGO thanks Representative Schakowsky and her team for their commitment to protect whistleblowers at the FTC by mirroring best practices within this new award program. This legislation ensures more whistleblowers will come forward with important disclosures that will strengthen consumer protection."

On Tuesday, Frances Haugen, the Facebook whistleblower, will testify before the Communications and Technology Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Schakowsky and Trahan will participate in that hearing. Haugen came forward through the Securities Exchange Commission, which provides protections for whistleblowers, and was possible because Facebook is a publicly traded company. The FTC Whistleblower Act will ensure that more whistleblowers are able to come forward and be protected.
