Press Releases

Ahead of Thanksgiving, Child Tax Credit Puts $264.1 Million in Tax Cuts Back in Massachusetts’ Families Pockets

Child Tax Credit tax cuts help working families afford gas, groceries in time for the holiday

LOWELL, MA — Today, Congresswoman Lori Trahan (MA-03) highlighted a new report from the Joint Economic Committee estimating that 667,000 Child Tax Credit payments were sent to Massachusetts families the week before Thanksgiving. A total of $34.7 million in tax cuts went back into the pockets of 84,000 hardworking families in the Third District alone.

“This year has been incredibly difficult for working families, and the holiday season often brings added financial stress. That’s why the expanded Child Tax Credit payments continue to be so important,” said Congresswoman Trahan. “The millions of dollars in tax cuts delivered the week before Thanksgiving will ensure that, instead of struggling to afford basic necessities, working families can focus on quality time with loved ones this holiday season.”

In November, as part of the fifth round of Child Tax Credit payments, the Treasury Department distributed nearly $16 billion nationwide to the hardworking families of over 61 million children. Across five months, the department has delivered $77 billion to families across the country. 

The expanded Child Tax Credit, included in the American Rescue Plan, is one of the largest-ever single-year tax cuts for families with children. Last week, Trahan voted to extend the successful monthly payments through the end of 2022 when the House took up the Build Back Better Act, comprehensive legislation that will lower costs for working families and put more money in their pockets.
