Press Releases

Trahan Statement on POTUS Signing the Bipartisan Infrastructure Package

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congresswoman Lori Trahan (MA-03) issued the following statement after joining President Joe Biden for an historic White House ceremony during which he signed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act into law:

“The bipartisan infrastructure package becoming law sends a signal to families here in the Commonwealth and across the nation that help is finally on the way. I was proud to cast my vote for this historic legislation and join President Biden this afternoon when he signed it into law, finally ending Washington’s decades-long failure to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure.”

“Over the next five years, workers here in Massachusetts will benefit from the creation of good-paying union jobs with quality benefits to support their families. More than a thousand miles of highway and hundreds of bridges will be repaired, meaning those same families can commute to work and school safely. Their energy costs will go down thanks to weatherization efforts that will keep buildings warmer during the winter and cooler during the summer. Communities along the Merrimack River will see improvements to their water systems to prevent millions of gallons of sewage from flowing into their most valuable natural resource and for many, their drinking water supply, each year. And that’s just the start.”

“Many of these investments will come through funding formulas that already exist. However, there are still tens of billions of dollars up for grabs through competitive funding programs that we know communities in the Third District and across the Commonwealth would benefit tremendously from. Our efforts now focus on working with our state and local governments to bring home that additional funding, which will prove key in improving the lives of everyone who calls Massachusetts home.”
