Press Releases

Congresswoman Lori Trahan Announces Natural Resources Subcommittee Selections

LOWELL, MA – Today, Congresswoman Lori Trahan (MA-03) announced that as a member of the House Committee on Natural Resources for the 117th Congress, she has secured appointments to the National Parks, Forests, And Public Lands Subcommittee and the Subcommittee for Indigenous Peoples of the United States.

“As the only Massachusetts member of Congress on the Natural Resources Committee, I prioritized the National Parks and Indigenous Peoples Subcommittees to ensure that not only the folks in Third District have their voices heard at the table, but folks all across the Commonwealth as well,” Congresswoman Trahan said. “My appointment to the National Parks Subcommittee will ensure that national parks and partner entities like Lowell National Historical Park and Minute Man will be preserved for generations to come. And as a member of the Indigenous Peoples Subcommittee, I’ll always work to protect tribal sovereignty and their authority over their land.”

The House Committee on Natural Resources has direct oversight of federal agencies and programs governing conservation and outdoor recreational opportunities. It has played key roles in the crafting of a number of pieces of landmark legislation supported by Trahan during her first term, including the Great American Outdoors Act, the Moving Forward Act, and the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act.

Trahan’s selections announced today will give her even stronger input on the specific jurisdictions of each subcommittee, including:

National Parks, Forests, And Public Lands:

Formerly chaired by Congresswoman Deb Haaland, who has since been nominated for Interior Secretary, the Subcommittee has oversight of the National Park Service, the Forest Service, and the Bureau of Land Management, all of which employ a total of nearly 60,000 workers nationwide to fulfill their respective missions to protect, preserve, and maintain federally protected lands. It also has jurisdiction over the Land and Water Conservation Fund, which Trahan has been a  strong supporter of, and the National Wild Scenic Rivers Program, which will be key for the continued preservation of the Nashua Wild and Scenic River and the Sudbury, Assabet and Concord Wild and Scenic River. Finally, Trahan will also be able to use her seat on the Subcommittee to continue her support for the Essex National Heritage Area, as well as other National Heritage Areas across the Commonwealth.

Subcommittee for Indigenous Peoples of the United States:

With exclusive jurisdiction over American Indian issues, the Subcommittee oversees the Bureau of Indian Affairs, which manages relations with 574 federally recognized tribes and their 2 million enrolled tribal members. It also has direct jurisdiction over Indian health care, tribal criminal justice, and the development of tribal reservation economies.

Additional information on the Natural Resources Committee, including Trahan’s new subcommittee memberships, can be accessed by clicking HERE.

