Press Releases

Trahan Statement on the Conclusion of the Trump Impeachment Trial


WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congresswoman Lori Trahan (MA-03) issued the following statement following the conclusion of the second impeachment trial of former President Donald J. Trump:

“It’s a sad day for our nation when elected officials put their own political interests before the future of our democracy. That’s what 43 senators did today. They betrayed their oaths to support and defend the Constitution. They did it to show fealty to a man who would have watched them hang from the gallows constructed by insurrectionists if it meant he got to stay in power.”

“The case against Donald Trump was overwhelming. Videos, social media posts, and transcripts show that he incited a violent mob of his supporters to storm the Capitol in an attempt to overturn the election. As officers were beaten, stabbed, and killed, he did nothing. As his own Vice President and members of Congress fled for their lives, he continued to fan the flames. And as the seat of our democracy turned into a warzone, he told the terrorists, ‘we love you.’”

“Donald Trump is guilty. Every person who cast their vote today knows that this was his mob. That’s why many of them pleaded to him directly to call off the insurgents. Those Republican senators didn’t have the courage to vote their conscience, and they’ll have to explain that vote to the American people who, unlike them, don’t live their lives in fear of losing re-election.”
