Press Releases

Trahan Statement on Impeachment of Donald Trump

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congresswoman Lori Trahan (MA-03) issued the following statement after voting to impeach President Donald J. Trump for incitement of insurrection.

“Congress has a constitutional obligation to intervene when sitting Presidents commit a high crime or misdemeanor, no matter how much time remains in their term. Donald Trump must be held accountable for inciting a violent insurrection in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election and overthrow our government.”

“The consequences of this President’s inability to uphold his oath to the Constitution has proven fatal. Five Americans’ lives were cut short because of his refusal to relinquish power, including a Capitol Police officer who was killed during the attack on the Capitol. We must demand justice not only for those who perpetrated this act of insurrection, but also for those who incited it if we are to come together and heal as a nation.”

“Today, I voted to hold Donald Trump accountable. Now that he has been impeached, including by members of his own party, the Senate must commence with a trial and a vote to ensure that he never spends another second as President of the United States. The future of our Democracy relies on it.”

