Press Releases

Save Minor League Baseball Task Force Co-Chairs Statement on Expiration of MiLB-MLB Professional Baseball Agreement

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Representatives Lori Trahan (D-MA-03), David McKinley (R-WV-01), Max Rose (D-NY-11), and Mike Simpson (R-ID-02) – co-chairs of the Save Minor League Baseball Task Force – issued the following statement regarding the expiration of the Professional Baseball Agreement between Minor League Baseball and Major League Baseball:

“As the co-chairs of the Congressional Save Minor League Baseball Task Force, we are disappointed that today marks the end of the current professional baseball agreement. We strongly support the preservation of minor league baseball in our respective communities and across the nation. By the start of the 2021 season, many of these clubs will have seen little or no revenue for at least 18 months.  We urge the negotiating parties to come to an agreement, without delay, that is fair to the fans, players, and local communities alike.”

“The future of professional, major league-affiliated baseball that is close-to-home and affordable hangs in the balance. Next year, we and the thousands of baseball fans we proudly represent look forward to hearing umpires shout ‘Play ball’ in ballparks across the United States.”
