Press Releases

Congresswoman Lori Trahan Recognizes Lawrence Resident in Her First Local Heroes Spotlight

LOWELL, MA - Today, Congresswoman Lori Trahan (MA-03) recognized the hard work and dedication of Nora Lopez Rojas, a Lawrence resident and employee at Lawrence General Hospital, in her first Local Heroes Spotlight. Nora worked tirelessly throughout the initial weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic before eventually coming down with the disease. She has since returned to work where she provides comfort to coronavirus-confirmed patients who are without their loved ones.

“Nora represents the very best that our community and our state have to offer. Her selflessness and sense of service are something that each of us are so grateful for. As we continue to navigate this crisis, we will do so together knowing that heroes like Nora are leading the way,” said Congresswoman Trahan.

Nora was nominated by her sister, Lilian, and is described as a hardworking woman who never stopped showing up to her job at Lawrence General, even as the COVID-19 outbreak continued to worsen in Massachusetts. If her fellow employees called out sick or asked her to cover for them, Nora gladly filled in. Early on, she contracted COVID-19 and had to stay home to self-isolate. Once she was cleared to return to work, Nora went back without hesitation where she was placed on a floor with COVID-19 patients. 

Her ability to connect with those suffering from the disease is described as second to none. She sings and talks to them, holds their hand, and ensures that they know they are not alone even though their families cannot be present. When her sister grew concerned for Nora’s wellbeing and asked if her work was becoming too much for her, she responded, “For some reason, in my heart, I feel like God is putting me in this situation to give at least a bit of love to these patients in their final moments, and for some reason, it fills my heart to know they did not spend their last moments alone.”

Trahan will continue to spotlight heroes who, like Nora, have gone above and beyond to serve their community during this difficult time. Those interested in nominating a hero in their lives can do so by clicking here. Trahan will announce additional Heroes Spotlight awardees each week.
