Press Releases

Massachusetts Medicare Providers Awarded Additional $163 Million in CARES Act Relief

Washington, D.C. - United States Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Edward J. Markey (D-MA), along with Representatives Richard E. Neal (D-MA-01), James P. McGovern (D-MA-02), William Keating (D-MA-09), Joseph P. Kennedy (D-MA-04), Katherine Clark (D-MA-05), Seth Moulton (D-MA-06), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA-06), Lori Trahan (D-MA-03), today announced that Massachusetts health care providers will receive an additional $163,555,426 under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act's Health Provider Relief Fund.

The funding will be distributed to Massachusetts Medicare facilities and providers impacted by COVID-19, based on eligible providers' 2018 net patient revenue, and follows an initial $841,425,120 distributed to the Commonwealth's providers between April 10 and April 17.

"As this pandemic devastates communities in Massachusetts and across the country, our health care providers need all the help they can get," said Senator Warren. "This new federal funding will allow Medicare providers in the Commonwealth to better serve our seniors and other vulnerable residents during this public health emergency, and I'll keep fighting to ensure they get the support they need in this difficult time."

"It is crucial that these funds get out to Massachusetts providers impacted by this pandemic," said Senator Markey. "I am encouraged that the Trump administration is working to distribute these funds quickly, and has committed to provide more funds to hot spots like Massachusetts, but we will continue to press Health and Human Services to meet the needs of Massachusetts providers."

"As one of the authors of the CARES Act, I am very pleased to help secure this vital assistance for our health care providers in Massachusetts who are on the front lines of the COVID-19 response. This significant federal investment will provide local hospitals and health care providers with the funds they need to adequately deal with the global pandemic. This critical relief from the Department of Health and Human Services is both timely and warranted," said Chairman Richard E. Neal.

"It's good news that health care providers on the front lines of this pandemic - particularly those caring for vulnerable and underserved populations - are getting this desperately-needed relief," said Congressman McGovern. "I'm proud that Congressional Democrats fought to include and expand this fund, but we have a long road ahead. Rest assured that we will keep fighting to put families first and protect those who are most at risk during this crisis." 

"Massachusetts has had the best state healthcare system in the country for over a decade," said Congressman Bill Keating. "We were the first to have a robust, affordable healthcare system for all our citizens. And we pride ourselves on our world-class healthcare facilities. These funds will help bolster our already strong system and our heroic healthcare workers at a time when Massachusetts is one of the states most ravaged by COVID-19."

"Our Commonwealth's health care providers won't only lead us through this COVID-19 pandemic, they will lift us all up as we rebuild in its wake" said Congressman Kennedy. "With this funding, we can lessen the financial burden they have assumed while strengthening them for the road ahead. But to be very clear, we will need to do more to support these providers in the next emergency funding package."

"Massachusetts health care professionals need stable, consistent support from the federal government as they continue to risk their lives to protect our community," said Congresswoman Clark. "These federal dollars will help ensure our health care heroes have the resources needed to care for the most vulnerable, help stop the spread of the virus, and ultimately, get us on a path toward recovery."

"Local clinics and community hospitals are maxing out their reserves to respond to the coronavirus," Rep. Seth Moulton said. "This money will help them meet the moment, combat the surge and save lives. I'm going to keep fighting for funding so health care centers can stay focused on helping people."

"Our healthcare workers are on the frontlines of the COVID-19 crisis every day, and they're relying on us to make sure they have the resources they need," said Congresswoman Pressley. "This new round of funding will help deliver resources to healthcare providers in the 7th district and across the Commonwealth. We will keep fighting for additional resources for our workers on the front lines and for our most vulnerable communities."

"Our health care workers have gone above and beyond the call of duty to respond to the incredible challenges of this public health crisis. This important tranche of funding will help hospitals throughout Massachusetts keep these heroes safe and their doors open to all those who need treatment," said Congresswoman Trahan.

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