Press Releases

Congresswoman Lori Trahan Announces $398,685 in CARES Act Funding for Legal Services Providers in MA03 Communities

LOWELL, MA  - Today, Congresswoman Lori Trahan (MA-03) announced $398,685 in federal grant funding from the CARES Actfor Community Legal Aid and Northeast Legal Aid, which both offer legal assistance to low-income individuals and families in Massachusetts’ Third Congressional District.

“This pandemic does not discriminate based on how much an individual makes, but its impact on our community’s most vulnerable can be devastating. We know that COVID-19 has caused an increased demand for legal services for low-income individuals and families, meaning that organizations like Community Legal Aid and Northeast Legal Aid are now more important than ever. This federal investment will strengthen their ability to help families get through this unprecedented crisis,” said Congresswoman Lori Trahan

Trahan supported passage of the CARES Act, which provided $50 million for the Legal Services Corporation to support the continued delivery of civil legal assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Part of that $50 million is being provided to organizations to develop and improve telework capacity, including to purchase new equipment and other related expenses needed to continue serving low-income populations. LSC is also providing technical assistance to many grantees to enhance their ability to work and provide services remotely. 


“My organization is very grateful to Congresswoman Trahan and the rest of the Massachusetts congressional delegation for including funding for civil legal services in the CARES Act. This funding will allow Community Legal Aid and legal services programs around the country to provide immediate, meaningful legal assistance to some of the most vulnerable members of our communities affected by the coronavirus crisis, including our neighbors who are struggling to access unemployment and other government benefits, trying to support their children with special needs who are attending school remotely, and who need to access the courts for emergency matters. The funding will also allow us to expand our telework capacity so that our staff can continue helping clients while remaining safe,” said Jonathan L. Mannina, Executive Director of Community Legal Aid.

“COVID-19 has left so many of our most vulnerable residents in northeast Massachusetts needing remote legal representation in evictions, domestic violence and unemployment cases - federal funding will allow us to work remotely at full capacity to meet the need,” said George Weber, Executive Director of Northeast Legal Aid.

Specific grant allocations for each provider are as follows:

  • $246,936 for Community Legal Aid, which has offices in Fitchburg;
  • $151,749 for Northeast Legal Aid, which has offices in Lawrence and Lowell.

The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) is an independent nonprofit established by Congress in 1974 to provide financial support for civil legal aid to low-income Americans. The Corporation currently provides funding to 132 independent nonprofit legal aid programs in every state, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories.
