Press Releases

Trahan, McKinley, Rose, Simpson Applaud House Passage of Legislation to Support Minor League Baseball

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Representatives Lori Trahan (D-MA), David McKinley (R-WV), Max Rose (D-NY) and Mike Simpson (R-ID) – Co-Chairs of the Save Minor League Baseball Task Force -- applauded House passage of H.R. 6020, legislation to affirm the important role that Minor League Baseball Teams play in the economic and cultural development of the United States. The bill, which passed out of the Oversight and Reform Committee last week, commissioned a Government Accountability Office (GOA) Report to evaluate the social, economic, and historic contributions that Minor League Baseball has made to American life and culture.

“Today, the House of Representatives stood up for millions of families that benefit from having a Minor League Baseball team like the Lowell Spinners in their community. MLB’s plan to dramatically cut the size of the minor leagues would have a devastating impact on the cultural and economic health of cities and towns across our country. As a long-time partner to the league, Congress is monitoring this proposal closely. The overwhelming and bipartisan passage of H.R. 6020 makes our position perfectly clear. While this is an important milestone, I will continue my fight to preserve the integrity of the minor leagues with my colleagues in Congress, and advocates across the United States,” said Congresswoman Trahan.

“By passing this bill, the House showed its commitment to preserving America’s pastime in parts of the country far removed from the bright lights of the major leagues. We are sending a message that eliminating minor league baseball in 42 communities is an ill-advised plan. There are some things in American culture that should matter more than dollars and cents. Protecting minor league baseball in small communities is one of these,” said Congressman McKinley.

“I’m proud to see my colleagues show such overwhelming support for teams like the Staten Island Yankees,”Congressman Max Rose said. “Today the House sent a clear message that we won’t sit by and watch any efforts to rip our national pastime from our communities.”

“The passage of H.R. 6020 is great news for rural and small town America,” said Congressman Mike Simpson.“Baseball has a major economic and social impact in communities such as my hometown of Idaho Falls. Idahoans have given their local tax dollars in support of the Chukars in addition to their summer evenings spent at the ball park. This is a story that exists all across our country and it is worth preserving.”

More information about the legislation -- including bill text -- can be found HERE.
