Press Releases

Trahan Statement on President Trump’s FY2021 Budget Request

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Lori Trahan (D-MA-03) today released the following statement upon reviewing President Trump’s FY21 budget request to Congress.

“Standing up for families sitting around the kitchen table making tough tradeoffs between paying the mortgage or for prescription drugs is at the heart of everything I do. That means putting together a budget that makes necessary investments in health care, infrastructure, and education. It also means protecting and expanding popular social programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security that have lifted entire generations out of the grip of poverty. 

“The President’s budget would slash critical domestic investments and programs including Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program in order to continue paying for his tax giveaways to large corporations and people at the very top of the income bracket. This budget proposal does not address the anxieties and needs of the working- and middle-class families I represent, and underscores yet more broken promises from this Administration. I’m ready to get to work with my colleagues in Congress on a realistic budget that funds the priorities of families, students, and seniors everywhere.”
