Press Releases

Congresswoman Lori Trahan Announces $572,960 in Federal Funding for Lowell and Chelmsford

LOWELL, MA – Today, Congresswoman Lori Trahan (D-MA-03) announced that two grants would be awarded to the Lowell and Chelmsford Housing Authorities from the Department of Housing and Urban Development worth a combined total of $572,960. 

The Lowell Housing Authority will receive  $241,227, and the Chelmsford Housing Authority will receive $331,733. Both awards, which are CY 2019 Mainstream Program awards, will go toward helping people with disabilities access affordable housing and an array of support services.  

“These grants are necessary for communities like Lowell and Chelmsford to continue to expand and grow as places where everyone has the opportunity to pursue a safe and secure life. I am pleased to see our housing authorities benefit from this federal funding. As long as I am in Congress, I will continue to fight for these vital programs. This critical federal grant funding will enable these cities and towns to continue to be responsive to the housing needs of people at all stages of life,” said Congresswoman Trahan.  

“The Lowell Housing Authority is aggressively pursuing Mainstream grant opportunities in order to assist Lowell residents in need of affordable housing and services. We are appreciative that the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development has recognized our ability to work with local partners and deliver on these two goals by awarding us $241,227.00. This funding will assist an approximately 25 homeless or at risk of being homeless families and individuals with disabilities. Our agency thanks Congresswoman Trahan and her staff for their dedicated understanding and support of the vital link between housing and services,” said Gary Wallace, Executive Director of the Lowell Housing Authority.

“The Chelmsford Housing Authority continues to make strides in securing every possible resource to help the over 90,000 families and individuals on our waiting list for Section 8 - 4,000 are from Chelmsford and the greater Lowell area.  Most recently, we have been processing applications from 2008.  This represents a wait over 10 years for families, disabled individuals and seniors.  The award of 35 new vouchers represents a 5% increase in the size of our overall program.  We are truly excited that our application was funded in this competitive round.  We anticipate that we will begin pulling from our existing waiting list in the next few weeks with the hope of providing assistance to new participants shortly after the 1st of January,” said David Hedison, Executive Director of Chelmsford Housing Authority.
