Press Releases

Congresswoman Lori Trahan Calls For Impeachment Inquiry Against President Donald Trump

Washington, DC — Today, Congresswoman Lori Trahan (D-MA-03) released the following statement calling for Congress to initiate an impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump.


"I believe it is time to begin an impeachment inquiry against President Trump. This is not a decision I came to lightly. As a staffer during the Clinton impeachment, I’ve seen firsthand how disruptive this process can be for our nation. But no President – including this one -- is above the law. This administration has continuously failed to cooperate with legitimate congressional oversight and the laws set forth by Congress. Special Counsel Mueller, a Republican who was appointed by George W. Bush to lead the FBI, was tapped by Donald Trump’s own Justice Department to investigate Trump’s conduct because of his objectivity and professionalism. Mueller’s message to the American people today was clear: his report did not exonerate the President, and that there is ample evidence that the President broke the law by repeatedly engaging in efforts to obstruct the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. It is up to Congress to act to determine the truth.    


“I ran for Congress to represent the district I’ve called home my entire life and to be a champion for hardworking families like the one I grew up in. While fighting to give Americans a raise; increasing access to quality and affordable health care; and making avenues of higher education available to all remains my top priority, this moment demands that we in Congress move to defend our democracy and our system of checks and balances against a President who has little regard for both,” said Congresswoman Trahan.

