Press Releases

Congresswoman Lori Trahan Statement on Portugal Day

Washington, DC – Today, Congresswoman Lori Trahan (D-MA-03) released the following statement to mark Portugal Day. This celebration, also known as “Dia de Portugal, de Camoes e das Comunidades Portuguesas,” is recognized by Portuguese communities all over the world on June 10. Congresswoman Trahan is the first Portuguese-American woman elected to Congress and is a Member of the Portuguese-American Caucus in the House of Representatives.


“As the granddaughter of Portuguese immigrants, and the first Portuguese-American woman elected to the United Stated Congress, it is my privilege to recognize Portugal Day. My grandfather, from Porto, was a union carpenter and my grandmother, from the Azores, worked in a textile mill in Lowell, where I was born and raised. Like so many, they came to America for a better life. They worked hard to provide better opportunities for their children and grandchildren. Stories like theirs are what built this country and remind us that we need to do better if we want the American Dream to continue. 


“I am proud to represent Massachusetts’ Third Congressional District which has large Portuguese and Azorean populations. Communities like Lowell, Lawrence, and Hudson all have a long and rich history of welcoming Portuguese immigrants. I understand the need to foster Portuguese-American ties, which is why this day is important. In Congress, my colleagues and I have strongly advocated for a renewed focus on our transatlantic partners. 


“In that spirit, I recently returned from a Luso-American Development Foundation (FLAD) delegation to Portugal, where elected officials of Portuguese ancestry from the United States engaged in dialogue with our Portuguese counterparts to discuss challenges and prospects that unite both our peoples. I look forward to working in Congress to further the economic, social, and cultural exchanges between Portugal and the United States, and our allies across the globe.”
