Press Releases

Congresswoman Lori Trahan Introduces Resolution Recognizing and Memorializing the Armenian Genocide

Washington, DC – Today, Congresswoman Lori Trahan (D-MA-03) joined with her colleagues to introduce legislation as an original cosponsor to recognize and memorialize the Armenian Genocide.


“The United States must always speak out firmly against ongoing atrocities around the world, but we cannot effectively claim the moral high ground to do so if we fail to reckon with genocides of the past. There is no debate among historians that the Ottoman Empire committed horrible acts against the Armenian people that meet the definition of a genocide. Turkey’s continued denial of the Armenian Genocide is a source of regional tension which undermines the foundations of a lasting peace that would be in the best interests of the United States and our national security. The time for Congress to officially recognize the Armenian Genocide is now. I am proud to stand with genocide survivors and their descendants who have stood firm in their journey for truth and justice for over 100 years. We must make sure these dark chapters of human history do not repeat themselves, and we cannot do that without making the truth known,” said Rep. Trahan.  

